Friday, December 29, 2023

Of Tawlh Loh Puan and Weretigers

I don’t know if people know this bit about the Tawlhloh Puan but apparently it was designed by the wife of Pasaltha Darhnawka who was like, Ya OK listen honey they way I live my life, I do not see myself dying in the comfort of our home so you got to make me a shawl unlike no other so you can recognize my corpse among the slain others because I feel like it might come to that. And she was like, Yes darling I’ll get right to it. And she did.

She came up with a new design and he loved it so much he was all like, Ooh ya I look really hawt in this macho red-white-yellow-in-black shawl I’m never ever backing down from a fight again. Hence the name.

So anyway, this guy was a living legend, as living legends go. One of the greatest of the Great Hunters to walk this good earth, apparently. I mean, he might be a little Johnny Bravo-esque but it’s all good. He was already fabled in his own lifetime. One of those guys who spored epic myths and lores about themselves.

And like any good celebrity, he decided he need the X-Factor and he grew himself a goatee. Understandably, given his Great Hunter status and the whole living on the edge with human enemies and wild animals eTcetErA (eyeroll) the goatee turned white before its time. So he was left with two distinct white lines on both sides of his mouth.

One time, he chased after a bunch of Pawih invaders. During lunch, he sat on an open boulder, taunting anyone to dare challenge him as he ate, wearing his famed goatee and his Johnny Braco worthy stylish shawl of red, white, yellow and black.

When he detected slight movement, he gave an almighty roar and ran headlong in the general direction of the rustle, lunch abandoned without thought. The poor Fanai dudes were so terrified – I mean this was lunch time – they were all like, What use are our guns now when feckin’ Darhnawka is after our bloods?! and they threw away their guns and ran for dear lives.
One of the guys was so frightened his blood froze. Darhnawka caught up with him. Poor petrified dude is just standing there while his BFF watched from the trees, unable to leave his friend behind, too terrified to confront Darhnawka.

And the Legend did three things: he first shot the guy, then hacked him with a machete, and then, inexplicably, him. Power of three or something. Must have been the adrenaline rush. He was still full of energy so why not do something weird, dramatic and extra?

So picture this scenario. A dark forest, deep deep woods. Your best friend is frozen to the ground and this beast of a man catches up with him, huffing slightly, grinning manically. After using a gun and machete on him, Beast Man slouches and feckin’ bites him! Beast Man who through the few rays of light, shadows of the thick canopy above flickering, is covered in colours of red, white, yellow and black. And when he raises his head, two long white lines running down either sides of his mouth like sabre-tooth fangs dripping with blood.

How would you not rationalize that as the paranormal? I would. Easily. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t the first were-tiger of Mizo folklore. The Keimi.

This one man Pu KC-a of Vangchhia told us this incredibly out of control gossip (good story, though) one December joyride day in 2020 when we visited Kawtchhuah Ropui. I love the story. I thought you might, too.

Let’s all hope for less Out Of Control gossips that make for good urban legends and more happy little miracles in 2024.

Happy new year!

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