Thursday, September 21, 2023


Some people peaked in high school and would never quite fully recover.
However, in today’s materialistic culture, unless they occupy some sort of a substantial post, they are more a nuisance than real hazard. It is the people who topped their high school classes, graduated and got the good jobs and now can’t understand a world in which they are not the only smart people that you have to watch out for. Now these are hazards.

Most of us grew up in college and came to the realization that we don’t know jackshit. In fact, the more we kept learning, the more we realized there was even more we didn’t know. It was the shit that kept shatting. We of course do our best to what I call LAYGA – Learn As You Go Along. But that is not a 100% foolproof plan. Some of us have learned better to quietly LAYGA when we are faced with challenges and new adventure. Every adult is just adulting the best way we know how because none of us really know what anyone of us are really doing.

But there are just some people who will always think of themselves as above the hoi polloi. And many people would thoughtlessly agree (because we don’t have time to reflect on things and we mostly just accept Image at face value; that, or to avoid confrontation) even as they sneer at them behind their backs and thank their good fortune they don’t have to be in constant touch with them. Meanwhile, these delulu populace will think about how they did well in school, and earned respectable degrees, and got good jobs that pay well and earned them social status, you know the drill. They will pat themselves on the back for having done everything right.

After a point, all the praise and adulation go in their heads. Somehow they can’t seem to get down from Cloud No. 9. They start thinking of themselves as mini-rajahs and minor-maharanis. Distinguished from the great unwashed. The Elite, as it were.

I think this line of thought is extremely worrisome in a small social and economic backwater of a hill region as Mizoram. I think it also could be a symptom of Insecurity. If I have this Image, people will think it is real. I must work on The Image. It becomes all consuming. And then no one benefits. Because literally no one can know everything and no one person or group can be the best at everything. We have to realise some people know things we don't, so we have to team up and learn from each other. But that is a pipedream. Because with zero self awareness, there is zero growth.

Damn that’s some cynical thoughts so early on a Friday morning! Maybe all of this is just me.

Happy weekend, everyone!

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