Monday, December 2, 2024


“What? Of the dinosaur?” my sister asked me indignantly.

A response to me asking her to take a picture of the animal in front of us. The reptile, I suppose. It was the largest I’d ever seen. We were driving to Serchhip from Hnahthial and I was on the wheels so I couldn’t whip out my camera. I asked Feli to quickly take a picture.

Enter the first sentence of this blog.

I was super amused. Apparently, Feli had never seen a monitor lizard IRL. Tangkawng. I didn’t know! In my family, us siblings – especially us girls – spend so much time together that most of our experiences are shared ones. Or at least relayed back to the others in nice details, enough for things to feel like we were there ourselves. But I suppose we’ve grown up and have experienced many things separately. I also didn't know she didn't like big lizards necessarily. I should have known. She doesn't like geckos either. She calls them dinosaurs as well.

Anyhoo, seeing animals in the wild has become my corner, what with me spending so much time outside Aizawl these days. I remember seeing a really fat, sleek Sanghar near Kelkang, one night. I remember, too, me musing out loud that Kelkang poultry farmers must hate it. I feel like it stole a lot of their chicken. It was so shiny and plump. Adorable. Shaped like a friend but I bet it wasn’t remotely friendly. 

A few nights ago, I once again saw a really fat Zawbuang with its too-long furry tail on my way back from Tuipui D. It reminded me of King Julien of Madagascar, the rascal.

I am always delighted when I see these wild animals. I take a quiet pride in having seen a Phivawk one time too near Sateek. Crossing the road as calm and damn-care as possible. I bet it knows no one wants to eat its stinky meat.

Birds, too. I am scared of birds in general but mostly that’s because of chickens. Scary tiny dinosaur descendant with no fear. Yeesh. But as long as I don’t have to touch them, I love them. No matter how many times I see birds, be they wild pigeons, crows, eagles, even sparrows… I still marvel. I love them. I once saw a really plump Vahrit on my way to Tualte. That was brilliant. It was really early in the morning so it felt like a gift. I saw, too, a really nice, brightly coloured Bawng in Aibawk during one of my morning walks. A robin, I think they call it. That made me so happy. One of my disappointments in Champhai was that I never got to meet the vultures that sometimes gather near Vengthar. I was there for so long and I went to birdwatch for them once or twice but I was not lucky. 

I did watch in silence for long two Safia dancing with each other happily in Champhai once. That felt almost like a Disney feature.

I’ve always loved animals. I’d pet them all if they’d let me. I get this mad desire and itch to touch them and hold them. I remember feeding kuhva to does/deers back in Luangmual, Lunglei; that was lovely. Monkeys too although I am scared of them. I am scared of snakes too but even so, I once petted a live Rulngan because it was beckoning me. Roma held it immobile for me but it was definitely alive. Snake skin looks like it would be slimy but no, it’s just smooth and cold.

Like a Gecko’s, actually. Now that’s dinosaur looking.

People sometimes say it is a general rule of thumb that if someone likes cats, chances are they like most other animals as well. Because cats are highly unlikable and for domesticated animals, have too clear set boundaries. I like cats. A lot of people know me for it and call me a Cat Lady. I accept the honour. But the rule of thumb holds true for me. I’d pet a polar bear if I could. If I ever got fortunate enough to hold and play with a panda bear one day, I would be so happy.

In fact, on the main, my desire concerning going to heaven is to be able to pet and cuddle up to all the animals I want. Imagine snuggling up with a grizzly bear without fear of being mauled to death. Or hugging a tiger with its huge murder mittens. Or riding a rhinoceros. Fun.

There’s no point to this blog. I just like animals.

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